

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I've Been Thinking...

Ever since I can remember I have been taught that before Jesus can return to this Earth and take us to eternity with Him things have to get much worse here.  With some of the things I see I on the news sometimes I wonder if that is possible.  But I remember many people I have talked to through the course of my life believe that a world church will rise up, condemning all other religions and declaring it criminal to worship on a different day. As Adventists we are the minority and have something to fear in losing our day of worship.  I don't claim to have the knowledge or wisdom to say whether a world church will happen or not, but none the less a news link that was recently shared on my Facebook wall told me about a proposal by the Catholic church for a world bank. (If you haven't seen this news report click here.) Now, I don't know how skewed this report is, or if it is even true, but it got me thinking; what happens if a world church is created.  What are we supposed to do, I remember hearing the stories of running to the hills, but I'd rather not.  I don't know about you, but I have come to rather like my friends around me. Adventist or not.  And I don't believe that Adventists will be the only ones in Heaven.  So why should I run? I listened to a song recently that gave me the answer. DON'T! We are more than a building, more than a pulpit, more than just a bunch of people. We a church, God's church. As it says in Romans 8:31, "If God is for us, who can stand against us."  If you are taking the time to read this, please take the time and listen to this song by a group called Downhere.  The song is called Cathedral Made of People. You will find the link to the song to the right of this post, it is under the title Song for Today. I have also put the lyrics below, I encourage you to read along to let the words really sink in.
Remember to turn on your speakers :)

If they shut down the churches,
Where would you go?
If they melted all the stained-glass windows
Replaced every sanctuary with a condo
Where would you go?
Where would you go?

We are a cathedral made of people
In a kingdom that the eye can't see
We're a house, we are the bride
Where God's Spirit lives inside
And nothing ever can stand against her

If they burned every Bible
What would you know?
If they tore your marked-up pages
How would you grow?
And declared your devotion to be criminal
What would you know?
What would you know?

When they throw you in prison
What will you do?
When they hate you for the things that you know are true
They can tear down this temple,
But they can't touch you.


Anonymous said...

This latest news from the Vatican on the banking system is seemingly out of nowhere - except when we think of the "feet of iron mixed with clay" and the Euro near collapse!!

Great observations. gary fresk

Anonymous said...

I hope you have many opportunities in your life to share the importance of the song's conviction: "God's Spirit lives inside"....and no one or no power can take that from you. m

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words and thoughts. Thanks for sharing this. And thanks for your postcard-we loved hearing from you. Bruce, Julia and Hampton Kay

Anonymous said...

Kinda scary! Something to think about for sure. ~ Cheryl

Anonymous said...

I guess I missed the proper method of posting a comment. I tried a couple of times, but my comment is not seen.

Uncle Bob

Anonymous said...

Jeff . . . I guess I'm getting through now. I wanted to point out that running to the hills or going into hiding could be viewed as a lapse of faith. It might be better to simply remain where your light could shine. Uncle Bob