

Monday, January 30, 2012

A Long Time Coming...

Honestly I feel bad. It has been entirely too long since I have written here. And for those of you waiting on the edge of your seat for a post, you can sit back and enjoy. Here it is.

Well this is awkward. I don't really have much to say... I want to update you, and I know you want to know what's going on here, but now that the year is in full swing, I don't have many updates.  I will tell you this, in about an hour I am going to meet with the eight other guys who live with me in this cozy little building called Udsigten.  Which to you looks like a jubilee of letters that shouldn't go together and to me says "the view."  I have decided that after almost six months, (has it been that long already!) I don't know the guys in my building well enough.  I want to start a time where we can frequently get together and get to know each other better.  Here is a picture of three of the guys that I know the best already.  From left they are Benjamin, Jonotan, and Benjamin.

This is a picture that they gave me for christmas along with some gag gifts. These are some pretty cool guys and hopefully I will have more pictures with the others soon. 

I know this was a tiny post, but something to keep you going :)
I'll in the middle of writing another deep, thoughtful something, and that should be up shortly.

Vi Ses!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update and the picture. I think you are doing a good thing for your guys. M

Anonymous said...

speaking of six months already, a funny thing is going to happen in about 40 years:

you will have wonderful memories that will seem to have covered a long time; many trips, dorm activities, tons of friends. Then you will wonder how in the world you got all that done in 8 or 9 months and why in the world didn't you stretch it out for another year or two. :)

Enjoying the busy time over there is way more important than long blogs (even though we all want and enjoy the long blogs)

good job. GF