

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Trials of Travel

Don't get too excited, I'm not stranded, the airlines haven't lost my baggage, and I didn't miss any flights.  But I am sitting in Copenhagen airport waiting for my flight.  A couple of other missionaries and myself are headed even further north to hopefully get a glimpse of the miracle that is the Northern Lights.  This week is winter break for Vejlefjordskolen and we're going to Norway.  Our trip is a smorgasbord (which originates from Danish meaning bread and butter in case you were curious) of different travel opportunities.  We are flying to Tromsø, Norway where we will quickly depart on a dog sledding expedition.  Then after a day of exploring the world's northern-most university town, we will board a boat called the M/S Lofoten as we sail up the coast to Kirkenes.  Kirkenes is a small town at the very top of Norway right next to Russia and Sweden.  Here we have one more night to catch a glimpse of the elusive Aurora before we head back to the school.
The primary reason for this trip is to photograph the Northern Lights.  I have always wanted to see the Northern Lights and when I read that this is supposed to be the best year to see them in 30 years I couldn't pass the chance.  We will be living 300-400 km inside the arctic circle for the next week.  Over the past months we have all been collecting various item to keep us warm, including the cheapest boots we could find, hand warmers, and large, obnoxious wool scarves.  Though we will be headed much further north than we are now, the temperature difference won't be that great.  However, as I am planning on spending at least one night out waiting to snap some pictures, I figure it's best to be prepared.

Time to check bags and check out.


Anonymous said...

We are so hoping you are able to see the Northern Lights. What a memorable experience that would be to add to your Vejlefjordskolen year. We love you. M/D

Anonymous said...

Happy travels Jeff! Sounds like a fun adventure...stay warm! :) ~CherylD

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff, I hope you have a great trip. If you don't see the lights there you can always go to North Dakota next summer. I remember seeing great displays there in late August. Stay warm! Susan H.

Anonymous said...

wow! My globe says you are quite a ways above lattitude of prudhoe bay, even! What an incredible opportunity.

I'm going to get a sharpie and permanently record your various locations.

We saw the Christmas shots with your folks last night! They are great! You might remember my picasa web site, where I posted you and your dad getting ready for the Corvette car show and the Corvette trip. There is a short series of pictures of East Berlin in 1965. You might enjoy the contrast to what you saw 4 weeks ago!!!

Thanks as always for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Jeff, this is so very exciting! I can hardly wait to see your pictures of the Northern Lights. I've been checking out winter resorts in Alaska developed specifically for viewing of the lights. I hope you have a fantastic trip! Love, Pam